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South China Rubber relocats in 2016

Guangzhou South China Rubber Tire said on January 1 that the company will complete relocation from Panyu to Chonghua by the end of 2016.

Due to pollution problem since 2013, Guangzhou government required the company to relocate as soon as possible.

The relocation project divided into three parts。The first phase is the company's headquarter will move to Chonghua on February 1, 2016; the second phase is that Panyu factory starts reducing production from April 1,2016, and shut down production by July 1; the third phase is that the Panyu factory relocates to Chonghua by the end of 2016. 

Guangzhou South China Rubber, set up in 1988, have three production bases respecitvely in Panyu, Chonghua and Huadu. It is thr first state-owned radial tire company. 
