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Capacity Utilization of Semi-steel Tire Production Lower than A Year Ago

The capacity utilization of all-steel tire manufacturing by tire companies in Shandong province was 73.76% as of Jun. 20, down 0.67 percentage points from the previous month, or up 0.63 percentage points higher than the same period a year ago, according to

China's capacity utilization of semi-steel tire manufacturing declined 1.22 percentage points month on month, or down 3.18 percentage points on a yearly basis.

Ji Haiqing, analyst with, said the tire industry showed signs of recovery after this year's Spring Festival and the capacity utilizations in 3-4 tire producers increased obviously. The overall capacity utilization kept at nearly 75%, higher than the same period of last year, until May.

But the latest figures show that the capacity utilization of all-steel tire production came close to the level in the same period of last year, while that of semi-steel tire production dropped even lower.

Ji said comparing with May, the shipments of most tire agents turned slower. In addition, some tire companies said the shipment in June was not so good.
