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Beijing Will Bring Forward “Traffic Restrictions” For Legislation

Beijing’s current traffic restriction measures for locomotive vehicles based on the last digit of license plate numbers in a five-day system is expected to be fixed through NPC legislation. Working report of Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress on yesterday’s fourth session of the fourteenth national people’s congress shows that, regulation on reducing locomotive vehicles’ use is expected to be promulgated this year.

According to the report, Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress will arrange examining 10 draft laws, including the stipulation of reducing locomotive vehicles’ use to erase central area’s traffic congestion. The ninth plenary session of the 11th central committee, held in the end of last year by Beijing Municipal government, clearly puts forward to control traffic jam in 2016, reduce the use of locomotive vehicles and propose practical plans as soon as possible in elemental issues.

Li Xiaojuan, Director of Legal Affairs Office of Standing Committee of Beijing Municipal People's Congress, introduced that, the stipulation mainly involves the current restriction rule, and the greatly concerned congestion charge has not been taken into consideration. However, opinions from all aspects will also been taken in discussion. The government’s temporary measure of “restriction rule” will be fixed through local legislation once theregulation on reducing locomotive vehicles’ use is promulgated.

Li Xiaojuan said that, city governance should be joined by both the government and social public. The process of carrying out the above stipulation converges the public’s will and pursues social consensus. Reducing the use of locomotive vehicles will make the city operate better and provide a flowing traffic. “Civil property rights are endowed by laws and only can be restricted by themselves. Sometimes, to achieve the better exercise of rights, some rights should be transferred. The process is legislation.”
