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Guangzhou Diamond Tire to set up new factory in Cambodia

Jiang Yancheng, general manager of Guangzhou Diamond Tire Co.,Ltd. said on The first Cambodia International Trade Meeting that the company plans to invest 50 million dollars in the next years to build up a tire factory in Sihanouk, Cambodia.

Guangzhou Diamond Tire Co., Ltd. was established in 2009 by Guangzhou International Co., Ltd., South China Rubber & Tire Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Fengli Rubber & Tire Co., Ltd. The company carries on "Diamond" brand motorcycle tire business of Guangzhou Guangxiang Enterprises Group Co., Ltd. (former Guangzhou No. 1 Rubber Factory) and was also invested in by above 3 companies with 230 million RMB. 

The company is one of the largest modern motorcycle tire producers in South China with advanced technology of car tire production and development. 

Jiang said, there were high motorcycle and auto ownership in Cambodia. But Cambodia need to import all the tires, because of low manufacture capacity. Diamond's new factory in Cambodia will focus on satisfying the local demand and Southeast countries's demand.
