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LIVE AT SEMA: Triangle Chairman Issues Green Challenge

SEMA Triangle Chairman


Triangle chairman and CEO Ding Yu Hua

Triangle Group chairman and CEO Ding Yu Hua brought his message of industry working for a greener earth to the SEMA Show, issuing a challenge to the tire industry to help the world move from an “industrial civilization” to an “ecological civilization.”

To do that, Ding said, industry need to adopt principles to lessen their impact on the environment and do more to reduce, recycle and reuse materials used in production and the final products themselves.

At last month’s Global Tire Industry Summit for Sustainable Growth, Ding unveiled his “Triangle Manifesto for a Green Earth,” which outlined six points:

• Humans and social progress face the challenge of protecting the earth and must build an ecological civilization.

• A low-carbon economy and green manufacturing should be then guide for a transition from an industrial to an ecological civilization.

• Triangle’s mission is to create a new manufacturing and business model of “low carbon, green, environment friendly, high efficiency,” and make continuous improvement in all areas.

• Triangle is “committed to building a development model that integrates our financial, social and environmental responsibilities,” and will promote human progress.

• The company advocates a low carbon economy and lifestyle, and will serve the global market with “innovative technology and green products.”

• Urges world industry, “as one global supply chain,” to act in concert.

Ding pointed out that Triangle will spend 1.8 billion rmb to construct a solar power station to feed its new Triangle Industrial Park facility in Shandong Province. The number of solar panels at the station, if laid end-to-end, said Ding, would be longer than the Great Wall.


Tire Review