On the 13th of November 2012 has China has got his first time world record in the automotive field. It is an historical event because up to now China was not able to catch up with the most advanced technology in the car technology. It’s also significant because the record was for the range of an electric vehicle, the technology of the future, in which China has heavily invested in these years.
The road show has been organized by Vantage Power Global a HK based firm on the roads of China from Shenzhen to Nanning with 2 prototypes of an homologated Chinese made EV. The show started at 7:30 am in front of the Polytheatre in Nanshan district of Shenzhen and then, passing Jangmen, Yangjian, Maoming, Zhangjian it arrived at 7:00 pm in Nanning, the capital town of the Guangxi province.
The total distance made by the 2 prototypes was 801,3 Km and at the end of the road show a 13% of the energy was still in the battery pack.
The technology of the car is not only Chinese, but also Italian, as some critical components has been developed in Italy and the chief engineer of this project is an Italian citizen too. This can be a good example how to have a win win cooperation between countries with advanced technology in the field of the automotive like Italy, and China, that has a powerful production base and financial means.
We all hope that the time in which the environmentally friendly EV will make their path to the market, will come soon, as it’s already demonstrated that one of the mayor issue of their scarce diffusion, the low range between each charge , is now not a problem anymore.