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China’s first Auto-Tire Cross-Sectoral forum ended on Jan.23

“2015 Auto-Tire Cross-Sectoral Development Summit Forum”, held by in Beijing, has been successfully ended on January 23,2015.

It is the first time that China held such a forum gathering officials and experts both from tire industry and auto industry.


Due to historical reason, China had two different offices to regulate and supervise tie companies and auto companies respectively, which resulted in nearly zero-communication between related people in these two industries. Thanks to Tireworld’s planning, people from tire and auto industries could sit together to discuss topics they both facing, and work together to find a path solving crisis, said Fu Yuwu, Chairman of SAE-China.

Other experts from China’s Information Center, China Rubber Industry Association, China Association of Automobile Manufactures, and managers from JMC, Shananxi Automobile Group, Triangle tire, Bekaert etc. made topic speeches on China’s Auto development trend in 2015, China’s policies effect on Auto and related industries,Semi-steel tire demand in passenger vehicle market,Prospect on China’s replacement tire market and so on.
