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The Growth Rate of Imported Cars is expected to Be Positive

imported car


In accordance with the data from Sinomach Automobile, the volume of imported cars is 937.2 thousand from Jan. to Oct. and the year-on-year decline is 0.06%. This means the sales of imported cars could be over 1100 thousand and the growth rate would be positive.

Mr. Wang, the manager of sales & marketing department of Sinomach Automobile, said the growth rate of imported cars decreases due to the adjustment of supply from multinational enterprises in the second half of 2012. The volume of imported cars decreased rapidly in the fourth quarter of 2012 and the first quarter of this year. But along with the structural supplement in second quarter of 2013, the supply of third quarter increases by 8.6%. The average imported volume from May to October was over 100 thousand. It is proved that exclusive distributor has more supplement plans.

Mr. Yan, the vice president of the Asian Games VillageAutomobile Exchange Center, said the demand of imported cars decreased in first half of this year and recovered at the beginning of the third quarter. The year-on-year growth reaches 17.9%.

In fact, the growth rate of imported cars decreased rapidly this year due to weaken macro economy &luxury management. But this problem improved from June. The reporter from Beijing Business Today notices the increased requirement of imported cars has a close relation with continuous price reducing of distributors. The data shows the price of imported cars keep reducing after the second quarter of this year. The concession had changed from 6.4% to 9.5%. Although this data in October had a trend to decrease, the average concession of whole imported market is 8%, 50 thousand Yuan.

Mr. Yan told the reporter, “The price of imported cars this year doesn’t change radically as last year but it doesn’t mean the concession is less. The data from Sinomach Automobile shows the pressure on the inventory is still a problem. Mr. Yan said, “The manufacturers begin to hold the inventory and the distributors also work on the sales at the end of year.” Mr. Yan also said the growth rate of imported cars in the whole year would be positive as the trend at president and sales volume could be over 1100 thousand.
